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Welcome to Student Health and Nursing Services


School Nurse: Jackie Finkbeiner

I have been the school nurse in this district for 6 years. I am in the school building on Mondays and Wednesdays 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM. Some of my responsibilities are to create and update Individual Health Plans, teach several aspects of health education, and to provide assistance with injuries and health concerns as they arise throughout the day. I enjoy seeing and taking care of all of the amazing kids here at Waterville.



Call: 509-888-5599








School Nurse: Kelsey Tollackson

I have been the school nurse in this district for 1 year.

I am in the school building on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM.

Call: 509-888-5599








At Waterville School District, we value the health and fitness of all our students and staff. Our school health program aims to assure students are healthy, safe and ready to learn, while connecting students and their families to health resources in the community.


Keep Your School Nurse Informed 

Student health information forms are required to be completed by parents each year. In addition, keep your school nurse and front office updated on your student’s health status if there are any changes, such as surgeries, medications, illnesses/diseases, new diagnoses or other conditions that may affect your student’s school performance. Forms can be dropped off at the school office. 

Student Health Information Form_English

Student Health Information Form_Spanish

Sports Physical 


School Health Policies 

Student Immunizations and Life-Threatening Conditions 3413

Medication at School 3416

Anaphylaxis Prevention 3420

Infectious Diseases 3414

Student Sports: Concussion, Head Injury 3422

Nutrition, Health & Physical Education 6700


To find additional policies and procedures, visit our Policies/Procedures page. 


Student Health Conditions

Students with potentially life-threatening health conditions require an Emergency Care Plan (ECP) to be in place before they may attend school. If your student has any of the following conditions, please stop by the school office to pick up a form or print from the list below and bring a completed copy to the school office. 


The following forms provide the school with important information to help us serve your child’s individual health needs.



*If your student is new to our district and has diabetes, history of seizures or any other major health concern, please contact the school nurse as soon as possible.


Medications at School

According to state law, students may receive medications at school under very specific conditions.  This policy includes over-the-counter medications like Tylenol or Ibuprofen.  

1. A Medication Authorization form completed and signed by your health care provider and parent/guardian that tells us how the medication is to be given. Your doctor’s office may have the form or you can download one here:

2. The medication must be clearly marked:

  • in its original container 

  • with the student’s name 

  • the dose

  • the time the medication should be given


3. The medication must be brought to school by the parent or other responsible adult.



If you are unsure what immunizations are required for school attendance, visit the Washington State Department of Health’s website (insert link) which is updated each school year.

Waterville School District is using the "School Module", an online system provided by the Washington State Department of Health. When your student receives an immunization in your doctor's office, it is recorded in this system and we can access it to check if your student's immunizations are up to date. You can access your student’s record at any time by signing up for MyIR

Parents are asked to fill out and sign a Certificate of Immunization Status (2022-2023) when they register their child for school. School registration and attendance are contingent upon either adequate immunization or a signed Exemption. If you are choosing to exempt your student from the required immunization schedule, please complete, sign and return this form to school with your health care provider's signature (if indicated). Certificate of Exemption (pdf)

Schools are required to present to parents information on the meningococcal and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. HPV & Meningococcal Vaccines (pdf).

Communicable Diseases

When an outbreak of a communicable disease (such as pertussis, hepatitis A, etc.) occurs among staff or students in the school district, the school nurse consults with Chelan-Douglas Health District to identify the exact extent of the illness, inform parents of the potential for illness, and assist in the prevention of further spread of the illness. Chelan-Douglas Health District takes the lead in any situation which might impact the health of the community.


Some guidelines on when to keep your student home:

  • Fever—a temperature above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea—watery or loose stools.

  • Coughing—or having any sort of breathing trouble. Coughing spreads infection.

  • Rash—check with your doctor to determine whether the rash is contagious before sending your child to school.

  • Lethargic—a child who is difficult to wake, needs to see a doctor.


24 Hour Rule

  • Fever: Keep your child home until their FEVER has been gone for 24 hours WITHOUT fever-reducing medications.

  • Vomiting or Diarrhea: Keep your child home for 24 hours after the LAST time they have vomited or had diarrhea and are eating a normal diet.

  • Antibiotics: Keep your child home at least 24 hours after the FIRST dose of antibiotic.


Vision and Hearing Screening

Students in grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 7 are screened yearly per state mandate.

  • A referral form is sent to parents for students who do not pass.  The referral indicates the screen results with recommendations for follow up.

  • Students may be referred to their school nurse for individual screening by a parent or teacher.

  • The screening done at school is just that—screens—they are NOT exams.  Students should be examined by an eye professional at least every two years during school age regardless of the school vision screen results.

  • Please contact the school nurse or front office if you need any assistance with professional eye examination or help paying for glasses. There may be local resources which we can connect you with.


Additional Resources


Local Health Resources 

Confluence Health - Wenatchee (509) 663-8711

Confluence Health - Waterville |  (509)745-8461

Columbia Valley Community Health (509) 662-6000

Chelan-Douglas Health District

Chelan-Douglas Emergency Operations

National Alliance on Mental Illness: Chelan-Douglas 

Food Banks in Chelan-Douglas Counties

Head Start Locator


State Health Resources 

Parent Help 123 - Health Insurance Programs

(OSPI) Infectious Disease Control Guide for School Staff 2014 [pdf]

Washington Poison Center

Washington 211 *One-stop connection to the local services

Washington Connection

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

WA DCYF: Child Protective Services


National Health Resources

American Diabetes Association

Allergy and Asthma Network

American Academy of Pediatrics: Healthy Children 

Center for Disease Control

Adverse Childhood Experiences

CDC: Seasonal Flu

Concussion—Heads Up

Children’s Mental Health 

Healthy Weight, Nutrition and Physical Activity

Children’s Mental Health—Is this just a stage?

Epilepsy and Seizure Support

Food Allergy Research & Education



  • Shockers Facebook

Contact Us

© Copyright 2017 by Waterville School District. Created by Devyn Grillo Go Smile Marketing

Tel: 509-745-8584

Fax: 509-745-9073


200 E. Birch St.
Waterville, WA 98858

Title IX and Compliance Coordinator for 28A.640 and 28A.642 RCW

 HIB Compliance Coordinator
Name/Title: Mike Parker, /Superintendent
Address: PO Box 490, Waterville, WA 98858
Telephone Number: 509-745-8584



 Section 504/ADA Coordinator NameTitle:

Mike Parker/Superintendent

Address: PO Box 490, Waterville, WA 98858

Telephone Number: 509-745-8585


Waterville School District will also take steps to assure that national origin persons who lack English language skills can participate in all education programs, services and activities. For information regarding translation services or transitional bilingual education programs, contact Mike Parker.

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